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About Us

The College of Earth Sciences was founded in 1998 by incorporating the earth-science-related departments originally belong to the College of Sciences. It currently consists of three undergraduate departments in earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, space sciences, and one Interdisciplinary Program of Earth System Sciences, five graduate institutes in geophysics, atmospheric physics, space science, applied geology, hydrological & oceanic sciences, and one international Ph.D. graduate program, respectively. These departments and institutes offer B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in their respective specialties.

The college places special emphasis on integrating conventional disciplines in earth sciences, including solid earth science, atmospheric science, hydrology and space science, in order to study more effectively the earth as one whole system. Our main mission is to educate students to achieve thorough understanding of both fundamental theories and practical applications of earth sciences. Studies of environmental impact and natural hazards from different components of the earth system are also important on our agenda. At present the college has about 850 students and 66 full-time faculties.