
102 AP102-M21 賴慧文 劉振榮 Applying Ensemble Forecast Technique to Improve Typhoon Rainfall Potential with Satellite Data over Taiwan
105 HS105-D01 司艾倫 李明旭 Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Cycles of Water of Lake Tana, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
104 AP104-M05 林孟岳 劉千義 Assessment of the NWP Model Physical Fields from Radiative Quantity
105 AP105-M09 王俊寓 李永安 CMIP5 多模式系集年代際預報實驗對熱帶地區的年際預報能力與偏差 校正的探討
99 SP099-D02 賴珮晨 黃健民 COSMIC Observations of TEC Enhancements in Response to moderate disturbances in the solar wind
86 AG086-M06 林振民 林銘郎、葛德治 CRSP與DDA程式於落石模擬之應用
106 AP106-M11 薛乃儒 王聖翔 Characteristic and Correction of Thermal Offset for Secondary Standard Pyranometers
98 SP098-M01 孫允斌 劉正彥 Collisional Effects on the Beam-Plasma Instability
99 AP099-M13 饒雅晴 林能暉 Comparison of precipitation chemistry observed at five islands stations in East Asia
90 AP090-M12 梁志綱 劉振榮 Comparison of the NDVI , ARVI and AFRI vegetation index along with their relations with the AOD using SPOT4 Vegetation data
75 AP075-D01 許瑞榮 楊維邦 Conformal法在弦論的應用
101 AP101-M05 張楚珺 楊舒芝 Constraining sources and sinks for trace species under an ensemble-based data assimilation framework with a regional chemical transport model:CO2 as an example
102 ES102-D01 Van-Duong Nguyen(阮楊文) 溫國樑、黃柏壽 Crustal Structure beneath Northern Vietnam and Its Implications based on Teleseismic P-wave Receiver Function Analysis.
104 ES104-D01 Leo Armada (黎歐) 許樹坤 Crustal structure and deformation in the Manila subduction zone
95 SP095-M18 簡誌宏 陳錕山 C波段可調式都卜勒頻移主動雷達校正器研製與性能評估
91 GP091-M13 江淑君 王乾盈 DDT:毋須摘取初達波到達時間之折射波風化層修正
84 SP084-M02 劉仲政 蘇信一 DE-2人造衛星觀測中低緯度F層電離層離子的研究
103 SP103-M01 吳季儒 葉永烜 Data Analysis of Superflares on G-type Stars Observed by Kepler Mission
104 SP104-M21 邱奕中 張起維 Development and Validation of Airglow Photometer for Upper Atmospheric Chemistry
105 HS105-D03 鄭皓元 錢 樺 Development os S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement