Top 10 期刊發表-Engineering Geology 董家鈞
LiDAR-based 3D litho-stratigraphic models calibrated with limited boreholes
Top 10 期刊發表-Ocean Engineering 吳祚任
A numerical study of plunging breakers in the nearshore area under the influence of wind
Top 10 期刊發表-Communications Earth & Environment 許樹坤
Changes in marine sedimentation patterns in the northeastern South China Sea in the past 35,000 years
Top 10 期刊發表-Engineering Geology 董家鈞
Revisit the classical Newmark displacement analysis for earthquake-induced wedge sliding of a rock slope
Top 10 期刊發表-Science of The Total Environment 彭祥
Long-term observation of columnar aerosol optical properties over the remote South China Sea
Top 10 期刊發表-npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 潘任飛
Marine heatwave as a supercharger for the strongest typhoon in the East China Sea
Top 10 期刊發表-Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 楊舒芝2
Understanding the impact of assimilating FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 radio occultation refractivity on tropical cyclone genesis: Observing system simulation experiments using Hurricane Gordon (2006) as a case study
Top 10 期刊發表-Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 楊舒芝1
Including observation error correlation for ensemble radar radial wind assimilation and its impact on heavy rainfall prediction
Top 10 期刊發表-International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 董家鈞
A novel pulse-decay-balance method for smooth rock joint aperture measurement
Top 10 期刊發表-Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 鍾高陞
Assimilation of radar-derived refractivity and radar datain the context of ensemble Kalman filter: Cases studyof the Southwest Monsoon Experimen