
張貼日期 標題 瀏覽人次
01/02(二)陳亭蓁 博士(德國卡爾斯魯厄研究所氣象與氣候研究所) Changes of intense extratropical cyclone development in a warmer climate in idealized simulations 420
01/09(二)彭欽旋(賓州州立大學氣象與大氣科學系博士候選人) Afternoon Rainfall, MCS Initiation, and Diurnal Gravity Wave over the Bay of Bengal: Observation and a Linear Theory 535
11/28(二)朱敬平博士資深研究員兼副主任(中興工程顧問社環境工程研究中心) 台灣近海水質監測機制 493
11/21(二) 何攖寧助理教授(海洋大學海洋生物研究所) Exploration of Marine Microbial Resources: From Marine environments to Marine Symbiotic Microorganisms 461
11/23(四)林永富 博士 (加州大學爾灣分校 地球系統科學系)The Distinct Contributions of ENSO Diversity to Oceanic and Atmospheric Circulations in the Northwestern Pacific and Its Influence on Biogeographic Distribution Changes of the Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) 777
11/14(二)林永富 博士 (加州大學爾灣分校 地球系統科學系)Unlocking the Solar Secret: How the 11-Year Solar Cycle Influences Decadal Variability in Western Pacific Typhoon and ENSO Patterns 496
11/07(二)Dr. Mao-Lin Shen (Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway)Altering Earth System Model Climatology using 2D/3D Synchronization
11/03(五)Dr. Yoshinori Shoji (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency) An Introduction to Ground-based GNSS Meteorology in Japan 474
11/03 (五) Dr. Simon Wing (The Johns Hopkins University  Applied Physics Laboratory) Information theoretic approach to discovering the drivers of the radiation belt electrons and radiation belt modeling 390
11/03(五)Dr. Roshin P. Raj (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway) Combining satellite remote sensing and in-situ observations to study the 3D structure of ocean mesoscale eddies 610