
Date Title View Count
11/04 (Wed.) Dr. Wen-Yu Hua (, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA)Similarity Recommendation based on the Attention Mechanism 1215
11/03 (Tue.) Prof. Chen-Ling Hung ( Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, TKU)LiDAR Applications to Urban Flood Hydrology 2120
10/30 (Fri.) Prof. Yi Yang (Department of Physics, NCKU)The AMS-02 experiment and the UTTPS project 1013
10/30 (Fri.) Dr. Alexander KUNZ (Department of Geosciences, NTU)Microplastic pollution of the environment - Current state of research and how geoscience can contribute 1131
10/27 (Wed.) Dr. Chih-Heng Lu (Department of Geography, NTU)Application of SAR satellite to detect dynamic earth surface and natural hazards 1340
10/23 (Fri.) Prof. James T. Liu  (Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-sen University) Land-Sea Duel and Environmental Changes at the Mouth of Zhuoshui River Since Late Quaternary
10/21 (Wed.) Dr. Chuan-Chi Tu (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU)Satellite Meteorology: Observations and Data Assimilation Applications on Disaster Prediction and Prevention 1133
10/16 (Fri.) Prof. Bing-Chih Chen (Department of Physics, NCKU)Lightning and the Ionosphere 1225
10/16 (Fri.) Prof. Yung-Chia Chiu (Institute of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University)The application of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor in hydrological and hydrogeological environments 1008
10/14 (Wed.) Dr. CHI-MING PENG (General manager, WeatherRisk)台灣氣象發展的里程碑--- 第一屆氣象產業論壇 1013