
Date Title View Count
03/30(Tue.) Assistant Prof. Cissi Ying-tsen Lin (Department of Space Science and Engineering, NCU) A Random Walk Down to the Ice 995
03/26 (Fri.) Dr. Yi-Chia Lu  (Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University) Hydrothermal fluid activity and thermal history of Taiwan slate formation 1278
03/23 (Tue.) Dr. Hsin-Chieh Pu (Researcher, Seismological Center, Central Weather Bureau) Preparations for the next volcanic eruption in the northern Taiwan 1091
03/19 (Fri.) Dr. Chih-Heng Lu(Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica)Insight into the geohazard mechanism during different stages of earthquake cycle from remote sensing
03/16 (Tue.) Dr. Slawomir Jack Giletycz(Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University (Postdoc))Landscape rearrangement due to active tectonism of the southern Taiwan 1229
03/09(Tue.) Prof. Bing-Chen Jhong (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, NTUST) A Systematic Generalized Framework for Climate Risk Assessment and Climate Adaptation Strategy Investigation: Progress and Future Perspectives 1251
03/02(Tue.) Dr. Pin-Chun Huang (Assistant Research Fellow, Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, NTOU) Development of computing-efficient hydraulic and hydrological models for surface runoff and river flow simulations 1276
02/24 (Wed.) Yen-Ta Fu (PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) 台灣懸浮微粒年際變化之研究 1006
02/23 (Tue.) Dr. Yu-Li Wang (Department of Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona) Aquifer Characterization and Sustainable Water Resources Management
時間:02/23(二) 14:00 
01/27 (Wed.) Shen-Cha Hsu(PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU)探討春季冷鋒水氣傳輸過程與降水關係及衛星資料同化於預報之效益 1119