
Date Title View Count
11/26 (Fri.) Zi-Ya Tai(MA student, Dept. of Space Science and Engineering, NCU) Flliight Software and Fiirmware Desiign of IDEASSat//INSPIRESSat-2 780
11/26 (Fri.) Dr.Shih-Wei Wang (National Museum of Natural Science)  Algal Reefs 812
11/23 (Tue.)Distinguished Prof. Philip Li-Fan Liu (National University of Singapore; Chair Professor @ NCUIHOS) On Finite Amplitude Solitary Waves 686
11/19 (Fri.) Dr.Tung-Cheng Ho (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute) What We Have Learned from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami and Applied to the 1960 Chile Earthquake 766
11/16 (Tue.) Dr. Shao, Kwang-Tsao (Biodiversity Research Museum, Academia Sinica) 海洋環境變遷--電廠溫排水對海洋生態的影響 779
11/5 (Fri.) Dr. Meng-Huo Chen (National Chung Cheng University, Department of Mathematics) Fluid-Structure interactions:one-field monolithic fictitious domain method and its parallization
10/29 (Fri.) Dr. How-Wei Chen  (National Central University, Department of Earth Sciences) Seismic Wave Propagation and Wavefield Kernels in Porous Media – Potential applications in EQ, Well-log and Rock Physics Studies 783
10/27 (Wed.) Dr. You-Lin Wang (Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University) The Kuroshio under the global warming hiatus 874
10/26 (Tue.) Assistant Prof. Po-Chun Hsu (Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, NCU) Satellite Oceanography: Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 831
10/21 (Thu.) JACKSON CHANG HIAN WUI (PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) Modelling the urban ozone air pollution using WRF-CMAQ over southern Taiwan 836