
Date Title View Count
10/29 (Fri.) Dr. How-Wei Chen  (National Central University, Department of Earth Sciences) Seismic Wave Propagation and Wavefield Kernels in Porous Media – Potential applications in EQ, Well-log and Rock Physics Studies 758
10/27 (Wed.) Dr. You-Lin Wang (Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University) The Kuroshio under the global warming hiatus 841
10/26 (Tue.) Assistant Prof. Po-Chun Hsu (Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, NCU) Satellite Oceanography: Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 805
10/21 (Thu.) JACKSON CHANG HIAN WUI (PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) Modelling the urban ozone air pollution using WRF-CMAQ over southern Taiwan 818
10/19 (Tue.) Prof. Shu-Chih Yang (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU)  GNSS氣象觀測資料同化對劇烈天氣預報之影響 796
09/17 (Fri.) Wei-Syun Huang (PhD candidate, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) 區域大氣空氣品質模式之排放量修正影響探討:利用衛星資料調整污染排放量與個案研究 1127
08/17 (Tue.) Prof. Bo-Wen Shen (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, USA) Is Weather Chaotic? Coexisting Attractors and Multistability within a Generalized Lorenz Model 1390
07/29 (Thr.) Bui Manh Hai (PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) The evolution of intraseasonal oscillations an d their influence on rainfall variability during the rainy subseasons in central Vietnam 1220
06/17 (Thr.) Qiao-Jun Lin (PhD student, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU) The Madden-Julian Oscillation in a Warming World
Cancelled  06/08 (Tue.) Dr. Chih-Hsien Wei (China Airlines) Aeronautical meteorology and aviation weather forecast 1851