Student Paper

Serial number
2016 AP105-M32 Bui Thu Thuy 林能暉 Long-term wintertime cloud water chemistry observed at Mt. Bamboo in Taiwan:Overcall characteristics and impact of biomass burning
2016 ES105-D01 Christian Mark Salvador (薩克汀) 周崇光、劉振榮 Perturbation of Urban Air Pollution on the Composition of Organic Aerosols in a Subtropical Forestry Area
2017 ES106-D03 Eleanor S. Austria (艾琳娜) 夏復國、林殿順 Dynamics and controls of free-living and attached heterotrophic bacterial production, abundance and specific growth rates in a subtropical reservoir
2016 ES105-D02 Hien Xuan Bui (朴春星) 余嘉裕 Observed and Simulated Vertical Structure of Convection in Tropical Pacific Climate
2015 ES104-D01 Leo Armada (黎歐) 許樹坤 Crustal structure and deformation in the Manila subduction zone
2016 AP105-M33 Ngo Dinh Khuong 嚴明鉦 Extreme rainfall in central Vietnam during December 1999 and December 2016
2013 ES102-D01 Van-Duong Nguyen(阮楊文) 溫國樑、黃柏壽 Crustal Structure beneath Northern Vietnam and Its Implications based on Teleseismic P-wave Receiver Function Analysis.
1998 GP087-M03 丁 逸 陳平護、楊潔豪 應用電阻法研究台南北部的海岸與河道變遷
2009 AP098-M02 丁德朵 嚴明鉦 越南中部降水變化
2007 AP096-M16 丁昶宇 王國英 Windmodel模式與應用—探討春季台北都會地區空氣污染事件
2014 GP103-M24 丁歆庭 林殿順、張午龍 岩石熱導率及其物理性質之經驗關係式研究:以台灣晚期中生代至新生代沉積岩為例
1973 GP062-M09 丁誠心 潘玉生 CDP震波測勘技術之分析
2007 HS096-M09 丁錡樺 詹 森、劉康克 呂宋海峽內潮及其強化生地化通量之數值研究