
Date Title View Count
03/21 (Thur.) Prof. Yoshiharu Omura (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University) Precipitation of Radiation Belt Electrons by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising-Tone Emissions
03/21 (Thur.) Dr. Yikai Hsieh (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University) Variation of Electrons Distributions in the Outer Radiation Belt Caused by Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions 198
03/15 (Fri.) Prof. Gyuwon Lee(School of Earth System Sciences, Kyungpook National University)TBD 1051
CANCELLED 02/27 (Tue.) Prof. Wei-Chyung Wang(Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Albany, USA)Machine-learning fascinates numerical modeling of weather and climate: Short-to-mid term precipitation prediction 236
02/16 (Fri.) Dr. Yi-Xian Li(Postdoc Scholar, Nagoya University, Japan and Monash University, Australia)When, Where and to What Extent Do Temperature Perturbations near Tropical Deep Convection Follow Convective Quasi Equilibrium? 234
01/05  (Fri.) Dr. Jyh-Shyang Sheu (Institute for Naitonal Defense and Security Research) 地緣政治轉變下的大國太空競爭
01/03 (Wed.) Yan Da Fu(PhD candidate, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU)The lifecycle and the interannual variation of Particulate matter in Taiwan 255
01/03 (Wed.) Dinh Duc Tu(PhD candidate, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, NCU)The extreme weather climate in northern Vietnam during northern summer 241
12/26 (Tue.) Prof. Joshua S. Fu (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee)A Measurement-model fusion (MMF) framework to correct modeled air quality results and quantify bias 250
12/22(Fri.) Postdoctoral researcher Li Chien (Research Center for Environmental Changes, ACADEMIA SINICA) Particle Dynamics on the River-dominated Continental Shelf in Summer: The Coupling between Physics and Biogeochemistry 213